Kevin Martillo Viner, Ph.D.

UPDATE 1/16/2025
I am offering limited one-on-one coaching sessions. The sessions will focus on the methods presented in my book, something like a close reading where you can ask questions, get clarifications, explain blocks and/or challenges you might be having, etc. To be abundantly clear, a session with me IS NOT: therapy, medical advice, a healing sessions, nor for me to convince you that you have TMS. In other words, the session should be viewed as a type of teaching specifically focused on the book and you should only contact me for a session if you have read the book and have already begun the practices therein. The sessions are confidential, will not be recorded, and are held via ZOOM.
The session will last up to 2 hours and the rate is $400 USD. Payment must be made in advance and there are no refunds. Contact me for questions or to schedule a session.
I've decided to try doing some YouTube videos in order to connect with those suffering from TMS. You can email me questions at for me to cover in future videos. You also leave your questions or topics you'd like me to cover in the comments on YouTube.
Click on this icon to go to the first video
UPDATE April 2021
I am taking a hiatus from doing Coaching Sessions.
If you need help, please read my book and/or contact Steve Ozanich. I discuss why I've decided to take a pause from coaching in this podcast , click there to go listen.
BOOK IS PUBLISHED!!!! Click on imagine to go to Amazon.
Editing manuscript now. Will be sending out to reviewers in the coming weeks. I'll post back here once I have a better idea. Exciting times!!!
Happy New Year! It's been three months and the book is coming along great. Presently at about 32K words, and still quite a bit more to say so it looks like what was originally going to be a simple ebook, will now most likely become a full-length book. I'm so excited to get this finished, edited, and out into the world to start helping others awaken to the truth of TMS. The ideas and message seem to be flowing through me, like a conduit for something much deeper than my intellectual mind would allow. Anyhow, I really believe that this book has the potential to help spread the message and help those in need...
On a different note, I did a PodCast interview a few months back that is due out this week. Check out The Mind and Fitness Podcast to hear my story and all the other amazing stuff Eddie is doing over there.
Today I begin writing my first TMS book! I have the outline and most of the ideas for an eBook, but who knows, it may very well become a full-length book. My aim with this book is to share what I have researched and experienced with regard to TMS healing. I'm not looking to "reinvent the wheel"; rather I wish to share my insights for those trying to awaken to the truth. Further, I want to have all of my ideas in ONE space so TMSers can use it as a reference. I'll update here from time to time on the progress of the manuscript.
Happy healing!
Kevin Martillo Viner, PhD